
2021 Strategic Plan Priorities

Priority Initiatives of Courageous Service Theme

Curriculum review: Conduct review of the school’s Public Church curriculum to focus on course planning, new program creation, innovative delivery, faculty hiring, and paracurricular activities

Scholarship support: Review student financial challenges in all degree programs (debt, income, expense, food insecurity) and respond with new scholarships attuned to distinctive needs, pre-enrollment financial counseling, and finding a balance between employment and granting

Example: Funding the future: Class of 1970 challenges itself, other classes

Remote learning: Enhance shift of degree programs online and address remaining challenges; determine which programs/courses will remain remotely available, how hybrid options can combine remote and local learning, and whether collaborations can improve range and diversity of offerings

Example: Teaching and learning in a pandemic

Priority Initiatives of Stewarding Gifts Theme

Administrative Alignment:
Conclude and review all remaining elements of the Common Discernment Project, with particular attention to aligning personnel within functional areas in order to clarify and improve organizational structure, communication, and staff retention

Enrollment Pipelines:
Continue and expand commitment to developing and enhancing strategic and diverse enrollment pipelines, including fostering deep relationships with ELCA colleges, universities, and campus ministries in order to enhance the student experience

Example: LSTC and Augsburg University form partnership

Priority Initiatives of Dynamic Formation Theme

Antiracism Team: Receive, affirm, and endorse the upcoming recommendations from the seminary’s Antiracism Transformation Team pertaining to representation, voice, structure, hiring, and related items, as actions committed to dismantling institutionalized white supremacy

Example: LSTC forms Antiracism Transformation Team and Reflections from LSTC Antiracism Transformation Team members

Authentic Diversity: Examine, prioritize, and implement the “Recommendations for theological education and leadership” from the ELCA Task Force for Strategic Authentic Diversity final report, including periodic public reports that demonstrate accountability and progress

Example: Speaking truth to the church: Three global theologians reflect on LSTC, TEEM and joy in the midst of struggle

Program Viability: Accurately identify and assess the actual opportunity costs for various seminary programs (academic and otherwise) in their current form and implement strategic decisions to achieve sustainability, adaptation, or discontinuation of these programs

Redeveloped Facilities: Pursuant to board directive, secure a firm to explore redevelopment of main property/facilities, including careful reconsideration of our educational space needs as well as resolution of emerging challenges in ways that mutually benefit the school and the community

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